“Get some game” – Social Media skills, not just tools

One of the questions I’ve been asked most since I started consulting on Social Media here in Austin is how often to tweet or post to your Facebook business page. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter.  Before you spend any more time trying to figure out the frequency of outbound content, use your online social networks to reach out and connect with your audience. Get their buy in first by answering their questions. Before you start selling, respond first to what they are putting out. Get to know them and they will get to know you by default. It’s a simple strategy, and you don’t even need to be a great writer…just a good person.

Yeah, I said it. You need to be a good person. We all have a sixth sense to know if someone has an ulterior motive. Even if we can’t quite put our finger on it, we know if you’re a good person or just someone looking to make a buck. So be real. You are a good person, right?

Women are especially good at this. They spend years dodging guys who have no game. If you really want to know how to be a rock star for your business when using social media, follow this tip:

Date your customer. Get some game. Learn to flirt, small talk, make eye contact. You might think I’m crazy but the same skills you use to get a girlfriend/ boyfriend are the same ones required to get the attention you need for your business, products or services.

Try it out…Give it the one month challenge. Get on Twitter, engage in conversations that are relevant to your community and/or industry without trying to sell anything. Let your bio show how human AND professional you are. After 30 days, you stand a much better chance of getting a “date,” if you know what I mean. Much better than if you tried to pick them up the first night you met…think about it.

Let me know how it goes. I love feedback.