A Case Study

An Actual Social Media Case Study  [NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the innocent] So, about eighteen months ago I visited my eye doctor for a checkup. At the time, there was no social media conduit for communication (Key word: Communication) between my optometrist and his patients.  He had a very nice website, but it[…]


Share – Engage – Connect Share: Let’s face it. The fact that social media even exists is due to the “share factor.” In her article, Witness Me, Claire Wagner nails the topic with laser precision. We want to let the world know we’re, “having a foot long sandwich from Subway.” Why? We’re social. It’s embedded in[…]


I was having coffee this morning with my friend and colleague when she asked me a perplexing question. “Would you suggest I get a blog or a twitter handle.” My response was, “What are your intentions?” Let’s face it; how you plan to blog is as important as what you blog.  Why are they going[…]